Thursday, September 20, 2007

Miss Cicily's Reading List

m.y F>A.B.U.L>OU!S READING li$T *:

  • Twilight by Stephenie Meyer
  • Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer
  • New Moon by Stephenie Meyer
  • Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte
  • A Mango-Shaped Space by Wendy Mass
  • Bloomability by Sharon Creech

*in order of preference

Friday, September 14, 2007

Writing Playlist

I just burned a CD from the computer with the songs I listen to when I'm writing on it. They aren't for a paricular story, just writing in general. Here is what's on MY playlist:

  • Showdown by ELO
  • Turn to Stone by ELO
  • Mr. Blue Sky by ELO
  • Civil War by Guns & Roses
  • He Lives In You by Lebo M
  • Thriller by Michael Jackson
  • Grace Kelly by MIKA
  • Brain Damage by Pink Floyd
  • Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd

So that's my playlist : )

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Civil War

Hello! I haven't posted in a few days (not that anyone cares; this is more a "journal" then a blog, because not many people come here anyways lol) and so I've just started a new short story... I know, I'm psycho, right? I start to many stories at once and then lose interest in some of them, often times. Yeah, so novels are always difficult for me because I can never follow through with them... yesterday was 9/11 so I started writing a short story about the Civil War (though, honestly, what's that got to do with 9/11?) Well, anyways, the story is about a girl named Selina Gordon, and of course, Jasper (don't ask why I always use that name... the Civil War story isn't getting posted anywhere, so I figure, 'Who cares, what the heck, I'll use the name Jasper again!'. Anyways, Selina doesn't really understand much about the Civil War, just that the south is fighting the north and that people are dying and there's nothing she can do about it. Then, her best friend, Jasper, who is like a big brother to her, joins the Confederate Army (they live in Georgia, another setting I use often) and, of course, Selina is pretty sad and pretty worried. I will say no more, because all in all, it is kind of pointless since that particular story is never leaving my notebook. I might use it for school, though... hmmm....
Well, I found a song that pretty much fit my story to a "T". "Civil War", by Guns & Roses. You HAVE to check out the music video, it is a really good video, and a really good song! Click here to see the video!
TAFN (That's all for Now)

Sunday, September 9, 2007

The Twilight Cars

So, I'm not into cars that much, but I figured I'd write a little post about the cars from "Twilight" anyhow. It was funny, though, because I was watching a show about cars on TV today, and the two guys in the show were looking at old cars on the streets, and they saw this old truck parked on the side of the road, and I recognized it as Bella's truck! Go figure!

The only reason I recognized it, though, was from a picture of Bella's truck on Stephenie Meyer's website. The truck is called a 1953 Chevrolet (Chevy) Pickup Truck.
Edward's Volvo is called the "S60 R", and the picture of it is on the right. So, then there's Carlisle's Mercedes. He has a nice car : ) His car is called the S55 AMG Mercedes. Rosalie's BMW M3 Convertible is pictured on the left
Okay, so then there's Emmett's Jeep Wrangler. I actually saw that at a car dealership the other day, and it was actually a really awesome car! I love Jeeps! Anywho, the picture of his Wrangler is at the bottom of this entry. Go to Stephenie's Page for the Cullen Cars, where I got all this info.NOTE: None of these car pictures belong to me!

Chapter Two is Up!

I've just posted chapter two of "Raining in Heaven"! It is almost a very short chapter, but the next one is probably going to be much longer! In this chapter, Alice is taking Jasper ANIMAL hunting for the first time, though Jasper isn't quiet sure that he can live the lifestyle they are aiming for. :'(
Well, anyway, I'm working on the third chapter once, but it has been kind of hectic, because I'm writing two stories at once! Anyways, the picture on the right is the "poster" kind of thing that I made for Raining in Heaven, with a quote from the story. S0, I'm going to be going now, and I'll post more tomorrow, or maybe more later. Buh bye!

Friday, September 7, 2007

First Chapter is Up!

The first Chapter of "Raining In Heaven", my latest and greatest piece, is FINALLY UP! You can view it at ! Yay!
I don't have much else to say but "Enjoy!" and "PLEASE REVIEW!" I really enjoy them reviews *wink*


I'm getting sooo restless! In a few short minutes, I'll FINALLY be off of my "suspension" from the administrators and I'll be allowed to post stories again! Yay! So, I'm a few SECONDS away now from posting RIH (Raining in Heaven)
AHHH! It is time!